Thursday, March 17, 2005

I got the fever!

Ooooh, my loins tremble!
I wasn't very happy with my last gym (my personal trainer was an SS-officer reincarnated), so today I joined a new gym. Seeing as bikini season is only a few months away, I naturally booked a new personal trainer. I had asked for a guy, since I work better under male pressure. So Cyrus is mine 4 times a week now. Turns out he's ripped, tall and thrice the man Fabio is. Not picture perfect, but oozing animalistic sex. Cyrus is obviously black, survived the Chicago ghetto and has scars to prove the tough years (I'm a sucker for scars - manly!). When he leaned over me for an excercise today I found myself checking out his gems.
"I saw that", he said with a grin and I felt my face turning red.
I thought I had gotten rid of my jungle fever, but apparently not! The dark lusty forces sure made a strong come-back. During my years in Europe and Australia I had quite a few black lovers. Even when I've gone on vacation in Cuba and elsewhere, I can't resist the temptation of a well-built native. How am I now gonna be able to work up a sweat without getting any action from a man that has me trembling by his mere presence?

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